UN Security Council Adopts Resolution on Gaza Aid; Differences Emerge Over Ceasefire


  1. UN Security Council passed resolution calling for increased humanitarian access to Gaza, with US and Russia abstaining (politico.com)

  2. Israel expanding ground offensive in Gaza ahead of UN vote, ordering evacuations in new areas (cnn.com)

  3. Entire Gaza population faces imminent risk of famine, UN warns; over 20,000 Palestinians killed (aljazeera.com)

  4. Resolution text softened from earlier drafts, removing call for immediate ceasefire (timesofisrael.com)

  5. Aid groups say resolution helpful but ceasefire still urgently needed to protect civilians (theguardian.com)

Aid, Conflict, Politics

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The UN Security Council passed a resolution calling for increased humanitarian access and aid to Gaza, according to politico.com, cnn.com, and aljazeera.com. The resolution was sponsored by UAE and passed with 13 votes in favor, while the US and Russia abstained. It called for urgent steps to allow humanitarian access but did not demand an immediate ceasefire, which the US opposed.

Multiple articles including cnn.com, theguardian.com, and aljazeera.com reported that Israel is expanding its ground offensive in Gaza, ordering evacuations in new areas like the Al-Bureij refugee camp. This comes as Israel aims to defeat Hamas militants in their remaining northern strongholds.

The humanitarian crisis in Gaza is increasingly dire, with the UN warning of an imminent risk of famine, according to aljazeera.com and theguardian.com. Over 20,000 Palestinians have been killed since the conflict began in October, the Palestinian health ministry reported by cnn.com. Entire hospitals in northern Gaza are not functioning, and the health system is collapsing.

The final Security Council resolution text was softened from earlier drafts, according to timesofisrael.com and theguardian.com. Language calling for an “immediate cessation of hostilities” was replaced with calling for steps towards sustainable cessation of hostilities. The US pushed for this change, resisting calls for an immediate ceasefire.

Russia criticized the US for watering down the resolution, per aljazeera.com, accusing the US of giving Israel freedom to continue military operations. Some humanitarian groups argued the Security Council failed morally by not demanding an immediate ceasefire to protect civilians, noted by theguardian.com. Israel and supporters accused the UN of bias for not condemning Hamas’ attacks and hostage taking, said foxnews.com.

In summary, the articles highlight contentious negotiations at the Security Council between demands to address Gaza’s humanitarian emergency and calls for ceasefire, versus Israel and the US’s security priorities of defeating Hamas militants. This reflects broader debates on how to resolve the conflict and its impact on Gazan civilians.