Perceived Escalation as Israel Resumes Strikes Across Gaza


  1. Israel resumes airstrikes across Gaza after truce expires, with hundreds reported killed (Al Jazeera)

  2. Israel reportedly pushing ground forces towards Khan Younis in southern Gaza (BBC)

  3. UN officials report panic in Gaza hospitals as strikes shift south (Guardian)

  4. US provides Israel with thousands of bombs, warns against high civilian deaths (Reuters)

  5. Hamas and Israel accuse each other of violating ceasefire terms (CNN)

Destruction, escalation & casualties

Perspective 1:


Perspective 2:


Perspective 3 + Others


Global Perspective:



After a week-long pause in fighting, Israel resumed airstrikes across Gaza on Friday morning following the expiration of a temporary ceasefire, according to Al Jazeera. The strikes targeted areas across the strip from north to south, with the Israeli military stating it struck over 400 Hamas targets. Al Jazeera reported that more than 180 Palestinians were killed and 600 injured on the first day alone.

Reuters noted that Israel dropped leaflets and posted online maps ordering evacuations of some areas of Khan Younis in southern Gaza. Residents told Reuters tanks had cut access to parts of the city, effectively dividing it into separate areas. The BBC also stated residents reported sounds of tank fire, fueling fears of a new ground offensive there. UN officials described panic in hospitals as strikes shifted south, the Guardian added.

CNN reported the US provided Israel with thousands of bombs but warned against high civilian casualties. Israel contends Hamas violated the ceasefire by launching rockets, justifying its resumption of strikes, while Hamas accused Israel of genocide, according to CNN. Al Jazeera stated Hamas and Islamic Jihad militants fired rockets and mortars at Israeli cities in response.

Israel claims its strikes target Hamas’ military infrastructure embedded in civilian areas, and that it warns civilians beforehand, per Reuters. But communication is difficult with power and internet outages. Israel’s goal is to destroy Hamas’ capabilities to prevent future attacks on Israelis, Reuters added.

Conversely, Palestinians and observers accused Israel of indiscriminate bombing causing disproportionate casualties, Al Jazeera reported. Critics argued evacuations are impossible with the crowded conditions in Gaza, leaving civilians nowhere to safely flee, the Guardian said. Many urged an immediate ceasefire and peace talks before greater escalation.

According to Al Jazeera, Qatar and Egypt led mediation efforts to restore the ceasefire, but clashes complicated matters. The US pressured both sides diplomatically to end fighting, while blaming Hamas for violating ceasefire terms. But Hamas accused the US of greenlighting Israel’s actions. The UN chief regretted the fighting’s resumption.

Analysts argued to CNN that both sides focus on military gains over long-term peace. Past peace talks failed, fueling pessimism on chances for a settlement. Meanwhile, regional powers like Egypt, Turkey and Iran hold complex interests in the conflict, further complicating matters.

In summary, Israel and Hamas exchanged blame for ending the truce and resuming intensive clashes, prompting international calls for restraint and ceasefire as civilian casualties mounted. But efforts to broker a lasting peace face immense challenges with rising tensions, complex interests and a lack of progress in past negotiations.