Global Summit in Switzerland Seeks Path to Peace in Ukraine Amid Varied International Support


    1. Over 80 countries called for Ukraine’s territorial integrity as the basis for peace, though key developing nations did not join in (
    2. President Zelensky stated that peace talks with Russia could start if Russia withdraws from all Ukrainian territories (
    3. The summit’s final document called for the return of abducted Ukrainian children and the exchange of all prisoners (
    4. US Vice President Kamala Harris announced a $1.5 billion aid package for Ukraine’s humanitarian needs and infrastructure rebuilding (
    5. Several countries, including China, Russia, India, and Saudi Arabia, did not attend the summit, casting doubts on its effectiveness (
Peace, Negotiations & Support

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Global Perspective:



A two-day peace summit was held in Switzerland to address the ongoing war in Ukraine, with over 80 countries and international organizations participating. The primary focus of the summit was to garner support for Ukraine’s 10-point peace plan, which includes demands such as the cessation of hostilities, the restoration of Ukraine’s territorial integrity, and the withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukrainian soil. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky emphasized that peace talks with Russia could commence if Russia withdraws from all Ukrainian territories, signaling Ukraine’s openness to negotiations under specific conditions (,, The final document from the summit underscored the importance of nuclear safety, food security, and the return of abducted Ukrainian children, calling for the exchange of all prisoners and the restoration of Ukrainian control over occupied territories, including the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant (

The summit saw the attendance of high-level dignitaries from various countries, including France, Germany, the United Kingdom, Japan, Poland, and Argentina. US Vice President Kamala Harris was also present and announced a $1.5 billion aid package for Ukraine to support humanitarian needs and infrastructure rebuilding ( The event aimed to strengthen international support for Ukraine and demonstrate that global backing for the country is not waning, despite the prolonged conflict. The participation of countries like Saudi Arabia, Kenya, and others, which have varying degrees of support for Ukraine, indicated a broad attempt to involve a diverse range of nations in the peace process (,

However, the summit faced significant challenges, particularly due to the absence of key players such as Russia and China. Russia was not invited, and China chose not to attend, raising questions about the effectiveness of the summit in achieving its goals without the involvement of these major stakeholders. The absence of China, which has a significant trading relationship with Russia, was particularly notable and cast doubt on the summit’s ability to bring about a concrete path to peace (, Additionally, some developing nations like India, South Africa, and Saudi Arabia did not sign the final communique, reflecting diverse and sometimes conflicting views on how to achieve peace in Ukraine (,

Despite these challenges, the summit was seen as a crucial diplomatic step in the long process of building a comprehensive peace agreement. The final document reaffirmed the commitment of the signatories to Ukraine’s territorial integrity and sovereignty and called for the international community to support Ukraine’s peace efforts. The meeting also highlighted the need for future summits to include more stakeholders, potentially including Russia, to create a more inclusive and effective peace process (, The mixed responses from countries like Saudi Arabia, which suggested that Ukraine might need to make difficult compromises, indicated the complexity of achieving a unified international strategy for peace (

In summary, the Swiss peace summit marked an important step towards addressing the war in Ukraine by consolidating international support and laying the groundwork for future negotiations. While the absence of key players like Russia and China posed significant challenges, the broad participation of over 80 countries and the strong statements of support for Ukraine’s territorial integrity underscored the global commitment to seeking a just and lasting peace. The emphasis on nuclear safety, food security, and humanitarian issues in the final document reflected the immediate concerns of the international community, while the call for future summits suggested a strategic approach to gradually building a comprehensive peace agreement (,,