U.S. Pressure on Israel as War Continues


  1. Over 1,400 Israelis and over 11,000 Palestinians reported killed since the fighting began, with thousands more injured (Al Jazeera)

  2. Israel carrying out airstrikes and ground operations in Gaza, Hamas firing rockets into Israel (NBC News)

  3. Concerns over attacks near hospitals and humanitarian situation for civilians in Gaza (ABC News)

  4. U.S. urging pauses in fighting to allow aid into Gaza and facilitate hostage releases (PBS)

  5. Evacuations taking place from northern Gaza, warnings of imminent ground offensive (Fox News)

Warfare, Casualties & Diplomacy

Perspective 1:


Perspective 2:


Perspective 3 + Others


Global Perspective:



According to Al Jazeera, over 1,400 Israelis and over 11,000 Palestinians have been reported killed since fighting began between Israel and Hamas last month, with thousands more injured. NBC News says Israel has been carrying out airstrikes and ground operations in Gaza, while Hamas has been firing rockets into Israel. There are concerns noted by ABC News over attacks near hospitals in Gaza and the dire humanitarian situation for civilians. The U.S. has been urging both sides to agree to pauses in fighting to allow aid into Gaza and facilitate hostage releases, as reported by PBS. Fox News mentions evacuations taking place from northern Gaza, with warnings of an imminent major ground offensive by Israel.

Perspectives on the conflict vary significantly. Israel maintains, per Fox News, that its strikes target Hamas and aim to avoid civilian casualties. Meanwhile, ABC News relays concerns that Israel’s strikes and ground offensive are inflicting disproportionate suffering on Gaza’s civilians. Many sources, including NBC News, point to an urgent need for humanitarian pauses in fighting, improved aid access, ceasefire talks and broader de-escalation.

There are also worries noted in several sources about risks of wider regional destabilization and conflict. PBS mentions U.S. Senator Warner’s concern over the hostilities potentially spreading to the West Bank or elsewhere. The fighting clearly risks further inflaming an already volatile region. Thus, as WTOP reports, Warner argues there is a need for moves towards de-escalation and mitigating risks of escalation.

Amidst the civilian suffering, loss of life and destruction, PBS relays the perspective that all sides should uphold international humanitarian law and human rights. As the articles describe, the situation involves complex dynamics, fraught history and high tensions. Finding a peaceful resolution remains hugely challenging but vital. The priority must be protecting civilians and upholding basic rights, while pursuing diplomatic efforts to de-escalate tensions.